Doors Open Toronto allows people to go behind the doors of some of Toronto’s most loved buildings. Buildings that are usually locked and secure and closed to all but a few.
Probably the most popular each year, is the R.C. Harris Water Filtration Plant, or “The Waterworks” to the local Beachers. The queues start before the “doors open” and you can barely move in there for all of the tripods and camera geeks getting in the way.
For someone like me, who grew up in the Toronto Beaches, this building is iconic. The Art Deco architecture and the feeling that you were in a private place, made it popular to hang out here in my teens. The first time I ventured from home with a camera, was at the age of 10, in 1971. It was great to finally get inside the waterworks.
You can read more about the Waterworks here;
Building the Waterworks in the 1930s